Only For Love of Cinema

We've Got Tonight Written & Directed by Samik Bhattacharya, 2023

A postponed trip comes back to life when she decides to take a trip to Bombay to visit him on his birthday and spend the day. Little does she know that she is about to be face to face with a piece of news that could change the course of their relationship.

This film is inspired by the shooting styles of John Cassevetes with its run and gun style filmmaking over the course of six days and a skeleton crew of only four people.

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Who We Are

"If you love cinema, you cannot help but make a good movie..." — Quentin Tarantino

QuiddleMoon Pictures, founded in 2023 by Samik Bhattacharya, is an independent motion picture production house based in Calcutta, India.

Our first feature film, We've Got Tonight is coming out next year. If you love films as much as we do, you can join the conversation on our Instagram page and shortly on our YouTube channel, where we will have videos on a variety of subjects related to films, their production, and analyses.